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Elevating the Future of STEM Through Drone Soccer – Sponsor the Journey!

Our team represents the future generation of drone pilots, advanced air mobility experts, engineers, astronauts, and professionals destined for military, corporate, and airline careers. Drone soccer isn’t just a game for us; it’s a rigorous training ground where we cultivate the agility, strategy, and technical prowess essential for groundbreaking achievements in engineering, aerospace, and aviation.

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By backing our team and promoting drone soccer worldwide, you help spotlight a dynamic way to integrate technology into education, from elementary to college. This method enhances the appeal of STEM subjects and develops critical thinking, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities. It establishes Drone Soccer as an innovative educational resource, merging the thrill of the game with the fundamentals of STEM education.

However, we require your assistance to truly shine on the global stage. We are contacting sponsors who share our dedication to innovation and education. Your sponsorship would crucially help cover travel, equipment, and competition expenses.

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Sponsorship Benefits


Brand Visibility and Recognition: 

Your brand will be associated with an innovative and forward-thinking sport, increasing visibility and recognition, especially among audiences interested in technology, sports, and education.


Targeted Marketing Opportunities

Your brand will be exposed to a growing community of drone enthusiasts, students, educators, and tech professionals, providing targeted marketing opportunities.

Access to Future Talent: 

By supporting a program that nurtures young talent in aerospace, engineering, and technology, you gain early access to a pool of skilled individuals who could be potential future employees.

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 Positive Public Image: 

Aligning with an educational and technologically advanced sport can enhance your public image, positioning your brand as a leader in supporting cutting-edge, educational initiatives.

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Sponsorship Opportunites


Sponsor a Player
QR code AUVIS Sponsor a Player

Sponsor the Team
QR code Event Sponsor a Player


Sponsor a Player
QR code Sponsor an Event

Sponsor the Team
QR code Sponsor an Event
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Sponsor a Player
QR code Korea Sponsor a Player

Sponsor the Team
QR code Korea Sponsor the Team